Follow the On-Screen instructions below to setup your Windows Outlook E-Mail Account.
1. Open Outlook Tools at the top of the page
Click Account settings near the bottom of the drop down.
Click the E-mail tab in account settings
Click New and you should have the following windows open.
Select Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP as below.
Then Click Next.

2. Fill in information as below using the name you want displayed, your full email address, and your password 2x.
Then check the Manually Configure Box at the bottom of the page and Click Next.
You can see an example of these instructions in the next three images.

Make sure the top button, Internet Email, is selected as above and click next
3. Enter the information as it is from the boxes in the image below.
Your name and email address will already be there.
Add the account type, IMAP, by clicking the down arrow in the account type and selecting.
Both incoming and outgoing mail servers are
Add user name and password and check remember password box.
Then Click More Settings to get the Internal Email Settings box.

4. When you get this page click the Outgoing Server tab

5. Check the box that says My outgoing server(SMTP) requires authentication
Then Click OK

6. Click the Advanced tab.

7. For the Incoming server click the down arrow to select SSL and enter 993 in the Incoming server box.
For the Outgoing server click the down arrow to select TLS and enter 587 in the Outgoing server box.

Click OK. This will take you back to the following image.
8. Click Test Account Settings when you get to this window.

9. This will test to ensure all is set up correctly and show you the following.
Click Close, then click Next.

10. Click Finish