Phone Services

Residential Telephone Plans

Sure, most people have cell phones these days, but many folks still enjoy the comfort and convenience of a home phone as well. Voice service from CusterTel is your family phone, where loved ones can always reach you—and 911 emergency services are only three quick taps away. Opt for the comfort, reliability, and safety of a landline—your family phone.

CTCI Additional Fees

Federal, State and Local Additional Fees for Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc. 

End User Common Line $6.50

Idaho Universal Service Fund (ID USF)  $0.24

Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program  $.05

Federal Universal Service Charge $2.36

Custer County 911 Fee $1.25

Federal Excise Tax $.93

CTBS Additional Fees

Federal, State and Local Additional Fees for   Custer Telephone Broadband Services, LLC.

Network Access Fee Single $6.50

Idaho Universal Service Fund (ID USF)  $0.24

Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program  $.05

Federal Universal Service Charge $2.36

Lemhi County 911 Fee $1.25

Federal Excise Tax $.93